These came out back in 1989 along with the release of the movie, Batman.
I was thinking about the the other day when my daughter came to work with me.
She was working upstairs where I had worked about 12 years ago and while I was checking in with her I started to look around for some of my old stuff that was stored up on the third floor.
When I had moved floors 12 years ago I had taken down most of my things and stored them in a box up there.
Well I couldn't find it.
So I began to think about what was in that box or boxes.
I had all kinds of things stuck on the wall back then. Family pictures, World news pictures with Presidents and aliens posing, sight gags I had built and of course Batman stuff.
That is when I remembered my Batman tortilla chips.
I began to get mad. "Who moved my stuff?" "Did they throw it away?"
So I went to the office to ask the Boss what they did with it.
He said "I don't know. Look around some more." So I did.
I pulled it down and no doubt it was my stuff because it said right on top of it "Brian's Stuff".
Here are a few items I found inside.
You can clearly see why I would be upset if this stuff had been thrown away.
There was also this treasure.
I should have bought one bag because these were awful!
I don't think I finished the bag I opened and it is a small bag.
For those that know me that is saying something. I eat the very last french fry because I paid good money for it and don't want to waste it.
I didn't eat all of these.
I mean these have been in storage for 21 years and mice didn't eat them.
The plastic on the bag had split open from age and still no mice. They were gross.
There is an ad for a night light on the back but I don't know what language is written on the Bat symbol.
Ingredients includes Bat-rat repellent.