"Flee from Oceana. It will be destroyed!"
It seems that most Batman collectors choose the Joker as their favorite Bat-villain to collect.
I have Jokers in my collection.
Caesar Romeo terrified me as a kid while watching the Adam West series on television but it was a good kind of terror.
His laugh is what did it. His laugh and the way his hair shook when he moved his head.
I have many villains in my collection.
Catwoman, Two Face and Scarecrow to name a few but my favorite villain to collect is Mr. Freeze.
I think it is the domed helmet and back pack that make his figures stand out to me.
I also like his story line.
The movie Subzero gives us a detailed insight behind his life of crime. Love for his wife and his desperate actions he takes to save her.
I like most every version of the how he is costumed.
Although the movie Batman and Robin tried to ruin everything Batman related, I think he still had a cool suit.
I am sure I will share my Mr. Freeze collection with you soon.
Brian B