This post combines two things that I love, Batman and 3D.
This is a Starlog magazine that I have from 1992 which features a ton of things on Batman Returns. I will post some of those things later but for now I want to focus on the 3D pictures that were included.

Sadly I have not found a copy of this book yet to place into my collection.

The 3D is done by Ray Zone and he is the master of 3D anaglyphs.

A year earlier Mr. Zone did a 3D comic book for The Rocketeer, which I own, and it is awesome 3D. Not only does it have 3D pictures but dimensional sound too called binaural.
That is the Rocketeer this is BATMAN!

So dig out your "Sherk 3D" or "Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D" DVDs and pull out the red-blue glasses that came with them so you can view these amazing samples.
Caution! The newer 3D movies like Coraline and Monsters vs Aliens use a different color lens glasses for their 3D process.
Brian B