Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Chunky B's First Bat-Item

Blogger Chunky B sent us some pictures of the first Batman item in his Bat-collection and it works in nicely with our Batmobile week.

It is a pinewood Batmobile that he and his Father made together when he was a kid.

Chunky says this is technically his "First Batman item in my adult collection." and that he "Made it for cub scouts pine wood derby".

He says that "The stickers were rescued from a broken plastic Batboat and the one on the back looks like it may have come from an old diecast Batmobile".

Chunky B also says "The fins are chopped, because I broke one before the race and my dad being quick on his feet, made the other match and slapped some silver paint on the tops to cover the bare wood and off we went to the races...".

He tells the whole story over at his blog Electorama.
You can go right to the story HERE.

It is quite the heart warming tale.

Thanks Chunky B for sharing part of you Bat-collection with us here at UTGP.


Brian A said...

Wow! Awesome car and story, Chunky B!

What a treasure!

chunky B said...

Thanks for posting this guys, that means a lot to this Bat Fan!

Glad I could share a part of my collection with everyone.